We all know that air travelling is a fast, modern, and why not, much more relaxing way than travelling by car or other vehicules, either if you are just planing a long distance vacation or if your work sends you to places 2000 or more km. Some of you will say..."But haven`t you heard about all those plane accidents???" Yes i know all about them, i used to watch that show every weekend, but in my journeys outside the country, i saw much more car accidents ...and to tell you the truth not a single plane crash!
What are the services when travelling by plane? Well...they have music, movies, a person to answer all of your questions during a flight, food, if you are thirsty all you have to do is ask..and most of all it is cheap!!! No one can tell you "Yeah there won`t be any trouble" when you leave, but there is not a single travel agency that does! So, if you are in a hurry...well..just catch the next plane and...Have a nice flight!
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