How would it be to go on vacation to the seaside...and if you are a wildlife fan, to go and take pictures of fish, plants, or what ever draws your atention!
Wondering yourself...."Isn`t underwater equipment expensive?" Well...not realyy...because now you can do this with your own digital camera!
At the begining of this year, Olympus and Pentax presented two models of underwater digital cameras of 7.1 MPx! The Olympus 770SW can be used at 10m below sea level, and also has an alarm to tell you when you crossed the limit. The Pentax Opio W30 is for those who are not very good swimmers...working only at 3m. Another company Vivitar, presents us their new model: the ViviCam 6200w, with 6 MPx also working at 10m!
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